Wayne on Netflix (2019)

The irony is that I made a joke that this show-series was not very interesting because I tend to avoid shows and ohhh did I eat my words. This is every authentic adolescent experience rolled into a retro clashed modern gold trophy. Probably painted on an Iroc! Well if you don’t know what that car is you will identify retro 80s & early 90’s attires and fixtures. Wayne and his co-stars grow up in a seemingly rough part of Brockton Massachusetts in a low income community. Wayne himself is a tough as nails kid that reminds you of that one gnarly kid that every kid remembers growing up with through the early teen years. Everyone knew at least one type of Wayne in school who just didn’t give a fuck. During a time kids are introduced to everything you can think of from drugs, to alcohol to sex you name it. Wayne is so awkwardly honest that you find him very unapologetic to who he is as a person. Everything you think you wish you could do Wayne has thought of and does better. Each time he or someone he cares about is done wrong Wayne answers back. Wayne can’t be broken in any way except he weak spot is for the cute girl he loves named Del. Who is his opposite but in a good way. She is everything he is not but together they make a great team as she has the other side of street smarts Wayne doesn’t always use. The scenes are meshed up into a great arrangement of the IFC feel yet modern imagery. Every character starts to gain their own notoriety as it continues on and worth every character perspective angle of the story to see other characters take over the show a bit. One of the things that’s really artistic about this series is that they know how to make a really funny joke scene and follow up with a serious aspect to the film then immediately break the ice with light humor. Not in a bad roller coaster way almost like that moment you almost want to feel sad but then laugh it off. Wayne is a hardcore guy but got a soft sport for helping people who need him. I have a cousin named Nigel who reminds me of Wayne and my cousin we call Gnarly Nigel due to his Wayne style attributes so enjoy this Netflix series as it just gets better and better with each episode.

Donald Trump Thought 11/23/20

It was actually difficult finding a decent picture of this guy since the internet seems to store mostly the ones with his prison lips protruding out. I felt this was a historical one of Biden walking by all masked up while Trump stands there without a mask almost like a historical statement. Plus his wife is hot as fuck had to include her. I made this post because I use to never care for Trump just because I thought he was a douche on the show apprentice and never really paid attention to him outside of that. Then the media really did a number on him the past years which I have to admit I drank that Kool-Aid. I admit I use to think he was a racist and heard the “Fuck Trump” in music lyrics as well as believed he was a bad guy. I watched all the YouTube videos and news clips wondering how the guy ever made it into office. Now with this Biden element I started to open my eyes a bit more and see bigger pictures. Not to mention it was clear as day the media censored and manipulated things to make Trump look terrible. I now realized that Trump was doing great things that I didn’t even pay attention to and the economy was moving along nicely while he was in office. Although I can’t get past his lips protruding out at every word when he speaks but I do feel that I finally understood I was wrong about him. We won’t get into my opinion on voting but I can proudly say that not voting gives me the damn fucking official right to complain about whoever makes it into the office. If I vote for one of them I don’t feel I should be able to complain about them after. So basically I just wanted to sort of apologize for believing all the media hype and directive of internet agendas. I think when Trump wanted to make American Great Again he wanted us to have a thriving country that other foreigners wanted to come to and prosper as we have. He wanted a wall to block out the MS-13 gang not all Mexicans or any other races. Yet I believed what the media was feeding us and what the rap stars/celebs were chanting. It’s too bad because I sort of feel bad for the guy now. We will see what happens next but I don’t think the Biden world is going to be a good one at all. So my fault for doubting you Trump, you still have prison lips, a terrible hair piece and a gnarly spray tan but I feel that you truly did want the best for this country. 2021 what will it be now?

Thought of the Day 11/13/2020

Ever since the era of; “video killed the radio star”, the human civilization has been chasing after a quicker and faster way to make connections in the world possible. Now the internet has become so fast that it’s starting to become a moving vehicle that is un-manned and willing to drive itself. Some folks think we as mankind need to revert to simpler analog times of more person to person interactions. While some rather relish in the futuristic utopia as it grows around them. If you were to ask me, just in light of how this current 2020 has been going, I say this. I don’t fear any technological advancements or social media apps. I don’t fear any of those things personally. I just fear the Weird Zombies that those said apps can produce. I guard up towards things not seemingly real or genuine. Almost like an animal sniffing to see if the treats are real before I indulge. The Internet is a complex living phenomenon that was truly inevitable. Mankind from it’s existence discovered fire only to shed light on the Internet. Just like how a young kid grows up to be a product of his or hers environment, I promise you….that 2021, is going to show us all -just how much social media and the internet has grown up to be. Stay Tuned muthafuckers.

Goodbye to Instagram 8/21/2013 – 11/5/2020

Looky Looky, here we are again. In the wee months to follow my unexpected Facebook account shutdown without any reason, I recently noticed now my Instagram was disabled by the app itself once again. I posted this blog with the birthdate that I created IG and once again the death. This headline showing the time I first acquired the app down to the very last day before the app was shut down without any warning to me. So once again, I didn’t post anything political or aggressive or anything inappropriate in any way shape or form. I did not bully or threaten or post nudity or do anything to violate there terms of us OR community standards. All I did was post pictures of cool cars, motorcycles and live concerts that I use to attend before Modello19. I digress…The reason I first downloaded the IG was because in the late part of 2012 I use to make random cell phone videos to send to friends that were about under a minute long. This would include motorcycle stunt videos or various comedy skits and sketches I would use from videos I had on my phone. So my biker friend Reid aka Stix, once said to me, ” Hey man, you should get an IG.” Because at that time you could upload a 30 second video into IG and edit or splice each video frame by frame until a mini edited clip was completed. This was a cool concept for a person who enjoyed brief edited movie clips. So I download the Instagram app and only ever uploaded hobbies of my life since it’s inception into my cell phone. However I felt since my IG was a public page that did not follow anyone and just posted things for me, I did not post faces in the IG app. I only had a few hundred posts, whilst never ever caring about the likes or the comments. Basically Instagram was my location to store pics and videos of my life and browse/click on other cool like minded peoples posts from time to time who pop up in my feed. That being said you don’t need to really follow anyone because your news feed will always populate things you clicked on or watched. So, as these many years of IG went on and posts and things happened I had no issues with my IG. My account stayed active like it always had and I never once ran into trouble with community standards or guidelines. That is until most recently I posted in this blog about Facebook randomly shutting down my account without reason and then shortly after this happens. Obviously we all understand that these a free services so they can do what they want. As I went through the basic prompts of trying to get my IG account back which was what I did when I lost my FB…I started to feel that familiar feeling like I once did googling how to get my FB back… the feeling like I was a tweaker trying to get my drugs and get my social media back. Suddenly I felt so free like an addict that broke through the chains of addiction. Shortly after this happened I coincidently watched a video by Jaron Lanier talking about people deleting their social media. Basically Lanier is this tech guru guy that had been there for the birth of companies like google and he created the early virtual reality platforms, so the guy is a smart dude for sure. The best way to describe this moment I am feeling is like when you are sick with some really bad illness but then the doctor gives you the medicine that actually heals the wounds in your brain stems. You start to feel it working as the detachment period goes longer from apps. You then start to give yourself different juices flowing through in a refreshing sense. I can recall slowly deleting the actual app on my phone while watching Lanier’s YouTube video. Not because I planned to delete every technological thing in my life like some weirdo in a basement covered with tin-foil on the windows. I don’t plan to hide out and never join the splendors of the Internet and other apps. I was just realizing certain things are un-needed and something needed to be altered in terms of priorities in my life. I feel great. I think the biggest thing I noticed is that losing both my FB and IG meant that I couldn’t have this false awesome or bad or indifferent life plugged into an internet app to be studied for reasons I am not told. Meaning you couldn’t view parts of my life in phones and would have to get to know me in person or possibly read my blog or watch my YouTube videos haha! Basically social media plays this give/take reward game, giving you something to look forward to every time you log in then taking away something at other times. We don’t notice it but tiny emotional triggers are being spoon feed to us with each scroll or like. Like most things addictive, social media can be fun and positive most of the time but also time consuming. After losing my accounts I think most people might have just opened up new accounts but I refuse to bow down to them. My ego overrides the brainwashing and tells me that if there is some reason the internet apps want to flush me out I should probably just stay in my lane because the universe could be helping me. Anyway, as soon as I first noticed my account was gone I followed the prompts on the IG app to attempt to recover my account and they even emailed me saying it was a mistake and they will be restoring my account yet it is still disabled last I checked. My accounts may reappear at some point or after this election madness ends but doubt I will notice after deleting the apps on my phone so I can focus on other projects. In some ways you feel like you slipped off the radar but in other ways you just feel a bit more connected to the earth. Besides, I have cool blogs and shit to post.