The Merchant of Death 3/6/2008

Normally this story could be the making of another film or continuation of the already classic movie “Lord of War” played by Nicolas Cage which was an in fact true story loosely based off the life of Viktor Bout, a Notorious Arms Dealer that spanned a timeline in arms trade through the late 1980s past the 1990s and deep into the early 2000’s before eventually being arrested in 2008. The movie however was made for mainly theatrical purpose but also notable that Mr. Bout still was never caught during the movies release which made the viewers not even realize it was a real story. The writer/director and producer of Lord of War never mention the book “Merchant of Death” written by D.J. Machale in 2002 which was 3 years prior to the Lord of War movie being released. However they do a great job on the film as they still follow many of the shockingly real events this gnarly Russian lived. Now that you have some of the back story of the Lord of War movie as well as this gnarly ass Former Military Russian, let’s round table the hidden political motivation that could be hiding in here. As of 2018 a man named Paul Whelan ( A US citizen with also, British, Ireland AND Canadian citizenship) was arrested for espionage which just is a fancy word for calling someone a spy who is gathering secret information from other countries and this guy got zapped in Russia for this and was sentenced to 16 years in Russian prison which I am more than positive ain’t no cake walk in the park country club. Whelan also was an arms dealer operating under Kingsmead Arsenal which is now closed. On top of that Maria Butina (Russian federal council member as well as member of our US NRA) was arrested in the US for “conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent for Russian’ which sounds like a made-up charge but it’s real.  If you aren’t confused yet, try to  keep up and also keep in mind that shortly after  Viktor Bout was brought down and arrested in 2008  they also nabbed a guy named Konstantin Yaroshenko later in 2010 for drug smuggling of 4 Tons of cocaine by airplane since YaroShenko had flew planes for the Military in his past life. Yaroshenko had 4.5 Million dollars on the line before being caught in 2010 and sentenced to 20 years in USA prison which is a country he never set foot in before this sting operation he was caught up in. Yaroshenko had zero prior offenses and was acting on this one mission to make some money but crapped out on his first roll before the dice ever hit the ground. So now the big question is, you have 1 Russian arms dealer nicknamed “The Merchant of Death” due to the fact he has been selling mass Weapons from Ak47’s, rocket launchers on up to Tanks and sophisticated fighter jets for decades through Cold War, Contra, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and wars we never heard of, called conflict zones. Plus Russia now has in custody an American, Whelan who is a proven spy who and was caught on Russian territory and probably has many secrets the United States wants to bring back home to American soil. You also have a Russian woman, Butina, living in the US who proved to pose as a Russian decision maker with the sole purpose to infiltrate the United States National Rifle Association and was caught and detained in the US. Lastly you have a Russian Dude, Yarohensko, who never even set one Russian foot on American soil but was conspiring with “drug pusher kingpins” to move drugs by the tons to several countries including the united states which then was illegally extradited to the US to serve out 20 years, only after he was brutally beaten and interrogated by US DEA officials. What a mess. It’s now said by several sources all sides of governments are negotiating and considering prison inmate swaps. Which is also just fancy for: let’s get our people back to their designated countries with little to no discipline taken once we get them back. Since just about every one of the folks listed above are all  known Trump supporters they probably want to jump on the swap before this upcoming election. The question is, how do you think the swap will take place? Viktor Bout is one gangster ass fucker that Russia has had a hard-on for well over a decade to get back. He has military secrets and has sold heavy weapons for literally every part of the country even for the USA. So getting him on Eastern Blocc turf is an absolute must for the Russian President Vladimir Putin. However the other Russian Yarohensko is of major Russian popularity because he was basically kidnapped by the US and sentenced for two decades of prison with little to no way out. Butina isn’t of huge importance except the fact that she was most likely sent in by Russia to get our firearms policy info and who knows what else. Then there is Whelan who is a decorated US soldier who had previous run-ins with the law for Larceny among very respectable and also notable Military ranking. I think the straight across swap will be Viktor Bout (locked up in US) for Paul Whelan (Locked up in Russia)  Then they will sort the issue between Butina and Yorohensko not because the charges are similar…more because there is no way going to mix a prisoner swap between a major gnarly gun dealer with a drug pusher as that’s bad press. Not to throw more curve balls but I also find it interesting that all of these busts were elaborate sting operations set up in various hotels that only the government could have known about. Which then means that our US government is most likely playing dirty to catch people and made the first dirt move. Now Russia is answering back. Regardless, The four prisoners need to be swapped to maintain the peace between countries yet when the deal is finalized I bet most of the media won’t cover it due to this plandemic. One thing is for sure, this story will make for a great movie if nothing else so remember where you read this story first! Wesssss Siiiiide !