A Paradox of Manifest Destiny seizing the moment (2021)

This by far was one the strangest nights in my life. If you read anything I write or know anything about me you would know that is saying a lot. This is not a good story by any means although it’s not a terrible story either. While you let your noodle smoke on that contradicting thought take for an example a time you get burned in your life yet in some way you also learn a valuable lesson. Similar concept is to say that what if when something happens to you there is this paradox of a thing where as by definition it just means an absurd situation could have some odd truth to it. So now that you are strapped in like a canoe about to go directly downward on one of those wild waves water slides with no bottom. I wanted to create the very best Birthday for someone important in my life. In doing this I felt the best strategy was to plan a trip that was both familiar to us and new at the same time. Why not a tropical Island flying first class at a very manageable time in travel and a simple game plan. Once I checked that idea off the long list of amazing things I want to do for this person I thought it would be great to add the traditional “secretly invite this persons friends to a location and surprise ” for the VIP person thing. Though the surprise birthday party idea has been around since the beginning of birthdays I wanted to toss it in the pot of awesome for the birthday memory section. When everyone showed up and the night was an entire success I eventually make it back to my house accompanied but a small handful of people that I consider very close to me. Of these people included a mixture of family and pseudo family, intertwined with others who are greatly significant in our lives. The group anticipatedly should have night, right? Kind of. I knew the more I dragged my feet the VIP person was going to tapped out on energy and most likely going to call the early night. We into the West Seattle Cabana where a family member joined to go deep conversation with each other. Meanwhile in the kitchen, myself and two other close friend / family friends are having intelligent conversations at first. This goes way south as one of these said friends starts to go full cross fade on continuous shots and high amounts of Milligrams in edibles. It’s to the point where even though this person was having several enlightening moments, he was also having several animated moments that was like the excitement of a topic was so explosive to say out loud that this whacky dude probably felt like these great thoughts were coming in so fast his brain couldn’t organize them. This fire hose of thoughts makes regular words impossible to articulate. This made that person go more indifferent to things. Not in an angry or violent way but more of like it was Christmas time and they couldn’t open any gifts while others opened theirs. Also at the exact same time I was talking about moves that could be in such life changing way that it felt like manifest destiny wanted to get in one of those capsules to take us to another place. Let me tell you about manifest destiny in truth cinema or cinema verte (google those film techniques if you hadn’t heard of those and then jump back in these sentences. The thing with manifest destiny is the only way to capture the opportunity or the destruction is to see it a mile a way and act. Meaning , if you know that dropping an item typically allows gravity to carry it down to the ground unless you catch it or changes it’s path. As the item falls to the ground you have a moment to react and catch it or let it fall but based on the circumstances you can decide risk vs reward. Just try to apply that to this scenario is to say that I walked right past manifest destiny in a few missed shots or opportunities yet every make or miss always seems to have one absolute path with no such thing as coincidence. None of this is in a scary way so don’t wig out on me. What I am really saying is the person and I were talking some important ass shit in the kitchen and I wanted to limit all distractions around me and talk about how we are gonna to make a plan. As these strategies of harvesting dead presidents was happening, I noticed before my eye sockets that my other friend was 3 sheets to the whacky wind and was having rolling brown outs of revaluations every 5-10 minutes. Some of these thoughts were half genius and half cryptic. While some of the shit made no sense and was making others in the house uncomfortable for sure. So as the night goes on the drunk group faded into the night-party which shifted to saddening thoughts and cries out at the ceiling to morn a dead family member. After having such an in depth conversation the person is now crying and screaming to bring someone back that will never come back. It was heartbreaking in every way you can imagine and this was coming from my perspective of roughly 48+ funerals I have attended but this was different. I sometimes so go so numb to death that I forget how it affects people. I respect the grim reaper. I do. That fucker has a job to do and it probably isn’t easy. That being said, when my homie is trying to rip a soul back to life by clenching their mind and squeezing their battle cry…it just never comes. I am use to that. Back on the freeway…. and so as I explain this story my friend just needs someone there to express pain for another fallen soldier dear to him. We both sort of do the “there there” it’s gonna be ok man, life finds a way to reveal it’s purpose. You know, saying the nice shit you say to help anyone find some understanding. Once the tears disappear this home slice starts telling me that about 20 minutes ago when he was asking me to film the conversation in the kitchen we had, which at the time was just us arguing that I was too lazy to film anything and I could duplicate my words at any moment thus in my way doing a flip on a paradox or contradicting prediction. Now if I didn’t lose you speed limit thinkers what I am actually saying is that if a paradox a completely and utterly bizarre truth that defies some type of basic logic…then what if I can take that same contracting idea and make it energize like a fucking battery positive and negative. To put it even simpler is that the person in the kitchen who was wigging out about filming the monumental kitchen conversation about deep world affairs had a point. This cross faded person felt it was so gold it couldn’t be duplicated and the Christmas present just remained unopened. We probably should have filmed the conversation in the authentic cinema verte capture but the path will reveal itself again. Eventually it all tapers off into this conversation of how capturing film of deep conversations and great story telling is important. We decided to create a code word to signal when one or both of us should have the camera roll on each other to capture something profound. I was with that. Like having a high performance sports car waxed to perfection waiting in the garage to burn rubber, I wanted to put the petal to the metal. As this thought comes racing towards me I notice that cross faded homie is severely making others feel uncomfortable to a way that potentially could be irreversible. One of the close humans exits the VIP room she gets semi offended by a comment from the whacky cross faded homie. However it was innocent and all in good fun to make fun of a spill mark on the person. Sometimes when people spill liquids from drinks on themselves others find it endearing to tease and make light hearted jokes about those spill marks being bodily liquids. The whacky cross fade person once again was in a paradoxal situation (yep made that word up I think) The whacky seemingly dude just felt like at this point it was agreed that we were all straight up family and he could make crude or soft core dirty jokes within the circle. I agree 100% he should feel ok doing that and I even encourage it at times. However this other person’s mind was like a little bunny rabbit with soft delicate fur. It’s in my opinion they were misunderstandings. Because to know this whacky cross faded person who was crying is a solid person who is a cloth cut from a fabric they just don’t make anymore. Anyway again, I understand whacky dude was cross faded and missing his second pair of pants he couldn’t find but he wasn’t crazy. Meanwhile my sports car is in the other room losing battery power as if the stereo was wired directly to the battery which thus causes a slight power draw on the beauty. Back in the main quarters the whacky cross faded homie is searching the entire house for the pants that have his car keys in them. It’s at this point I am now in the paradox of misconception. Ask yourself do you want to be the hammer or the nail? Could this homie get into a car crash due to his cross faded night which falls directly on my conscious. Some might try to write this off as a simple choice between wanting one thing an risking another. My whacky friend is one of the most talented drivers I know. I am just confident he will drive home safe relying on his skills to guide him home just like I am 100% confident I can’t tell him to stay either. Moments are recalled in my mind of this whacky vessel pouring sprite into a cup at distance with one hand as the 2 liter wobbles and slightly spills around the cup. Whacky homie just giggling and laughing at the mess he is making all by himself. As I look at him in astonishment to his ability to time travel back to when he was a child, I make the quick judgement call to assist pouring but was quickly derailed by his already fragile grip on the 2 liter. When I reached for the Scottie Pippen assistance the 2 liter spilled more and went to launch from his giggle fingers. Once this happened it caused me to squeeze down which resulted in massive disaster across the counter. He laughs and asks why I squeezed the bottle and spilled everywhere. He was Convinced that dribbling the spite into the cup like a toddler boy with one hand creating spillage, was basically the normal thing. Hilarious but back to the point. I knew if I kept the OG at my house he would have just got more twisted into a oblivion and drove regardless what anyone would have told him. Click-it-or-ticket came out as an effort to get people safe wearing their damn seatbelt. However the fines for disobeying meant a traffic paid to the city. How odd when all they would have needed to do is make vehicles not start unless the seatbelt is clicked in place. Boom, mic drop. Collecting money on humans misfortune was a more lucrative idea and/or maybe a necessary strategy. However go back 20-30 years you could drink and drive with minimal consequences and why is that? Evolution? More risk with less experienced drivers or something else? My whacky ass homie text me he made it home and I hope the dead continues to try and watch out for us. That is the story of just one night so pedal to the metal as the credits roll.

Monsters of man (2020)

This movie was a complete shock to me in a good way. I always like to watch movies and then read the reviews after and bash the shit out of them for bashing the movie. So for starters it’s long run time was excellent because this is an action / sci-fi / horror film with tons of realistic gore. So if you can’t get enough of people getting blown up, shot, sliced and robots crushing human bones with vicious close ups, look no further. So, there is that point to you fuck sticks online saying it was too long, nope give us a sequel. Next people reviewed on rotten tomato’s or somewhere that the movie had holes in the plot with other grey areas. Nope again you nerd wallets! First off, yes, many of the characters have you confused in the beginning as to where they place roles in the film when it starts but just have the faith they all get explained as it goes on. Meaning some of their character build ups or backgrounds really don’t fuck’n matter when the movie is about military AI and how dangerous it could be. Not to give anything away but it follows a few different character stories converging into one story of Robots on a test mission under a potential government contract deal to sell Military Robots somewhere or mass produce them worldwide. These robots are heavily armored and can problem solve on their on. Problem is, where is the problem with that? You shall see. Another thing was someone with a granola bar stuck up his or hers ass named “Kalis Adventures” needs to take an adventure on sharp blade of knowledge. Here is why. Kalis posts online claiming the movie had bad acting. I disagree you waste of post space! Ly Ty plays the child in a hostile environment, new actor unheard of and KILLS IT. We don’t know any of these actors so it’s hard to really say who was good or bad because you don’t know what they are capable of. When you see an actor you see all the time you have a margin with each one that tells you what is believable and what is not. For an example you wouldn’t cast Jim Carey in a movie like this but Bruce Willis maybe. So with entire cast of newbie actors/actresses you have to allow them to fall into who they can act as. So that makes the viewer not sure if they can believe them or not. Let me just say that the kid Ly Ty deserves some type of rookie of the year award. This bad ass kid never misses. The lead character Brett Tutor builds his stage presence and you believe him. The bad guy is played by a corrupt agent, (Jose Rosete) and seems like a guy you don’t want to fuck with. Rosete is ruthless and has scenes you wish you would have wrote. That being said many of the plot helps close back doors. Which means that most sci-fi action films with gore always make us question what we would do in reality or what appears real on screen compared to real life. It’s in my opinion a great display of how the Military has weaponized Artificial Intelligence far beyond what we can imagine and usually if it’s already on screen they are already implementing it and we are behind. You learned that same lesson when you heard about GME in the stock market, so same applies to movies of technology. Back on track. This film never disappoints all the way to the end even into the credits. Make sure to watch through the credits because this is one of those films that encourages you to watch till the screen goes black or starts the movie over again, not many movies can do that. The robotics appears very realistic because that level of tech means things move fast and the old style of oil and gears and pistons moving is a thing of the past. More of the form and movement along with detailed visuals is what we need in the 2020+. The story has emotions to it and of course when you are yearning for the machines to have some type of soul tied to the movie, they do it. Not in a corny way where you think some editor watched too many Sci-Fi straight to VHS type movies , no, it was thought out and believable when you understand a little about AI. That whole what if…..what if machines became self aware of what they are or are not and what if they were built for the military how dangerous could that be. This movie is a real underdog that compares to all the greats in robotic sci-fi so watch it yourself and feel free to post what you think but don’t lead spastics like the mentioned sway your opinion. Check stuff out on your own and support these up and coming directors for better or for worse.