Tell Your Story (1/24/2022)

Tell your story. Is anyone listening? We are all our own best friends or our worst enemies with everything in between. The image above is the logo for one of my favorite hiphop groups called “Hieroglyphics” crew. As we all should know, the term 3rd eye vision comes from the enlightened few that have the ability OR allow their minds to see things that aren’t common to the naked eye or the common consciousness of humans. Symbols and scripts are important gateways for storytelling. Often images represent an era in time or describe an action of an object. Tattoos can be artistic designs that express yourself or special words that you never won’t to forget. When you look at artifacts of ancient Egyptians or first people Native Americans you can find scripts and symbols engraved into our earth telling us a story that our “earth” was tattooed long before us. I got to thinking about that and how my Tattoos are apart of me because of their deep meaning. Each word or symbol means something to me that paints an entire picture or portion of my life and what era I was living in. Telling my story. Youtube can show visuals with theatrics that stimulate the modern mind but words, symbols and early primitive tools supposedly were all that was available back in the day. Yet we all know the game of telephone means that if I tell you my story and you tell someone else it revolves around the camp into either a completely different story or one with fallacies. So when you see ancient human markings of flying saucers and sky people it’s obvious as fuck it’s aliens not Jesus or some “god-like” bible thing. Not to say the Bible doesn’t help us decipher the past I just know it’s very skewed. So now we know Aliens or “other beings” exist and figure “oh well” its back to work tomorrow because the bills won’t pay themselves. What does it matter if Aliens exist or the fact that Earth is really just a giant laboratory where humans can be tampered with for the benefit of something higher than our human consciousness? It means everything and matters to everyone. Science has a very different story, religion has a very different story and most importantly the reason why you are sitting in your own consciousness has a very different story -which by consciousness is just sitting there knowing you exist and can move around and shit while noticing your surroundings stuff like that. While you are sitting there in that state knowing all of these things you will find that nothing in this life is coincidental. Coincidence doesn’t exist just like “conspiracy theory” was only designed to keep people from searching for the truth. We each all have some type of core path that we can deviate from slightly but somehow the path always stays the same and we will never know what life we had before this one because that’s not part of the program. Imagine if you could leave yourself clues or how you would tell others your story after you are gone and what ways would you convey a lifetime of events into one paragraph or a series of scribbles. Ancient Native Americans as well as many others thought of this. Once upon a time Ancient people tried to tell us that beings, not humans, came from the sky to show us something. I can imagine myself sitting there with a loin cloth and a spear telling everyone as they stare in astonishment -it’s bullshit I hunt & gathered last night while this fuckin spherical object just flies around in the air seeing all of the hidden food I had to find. You get it? That’s where we are now. Imagine this scene of seeing an alien ship in the air and everyone praises with their hands to the sky as chatter about the land asks; what is it, where did they come from and what does it all mean…you would see me there shirtless with war paint as I shout loudly for you all to wake the fuck up because if something “off world” comes from the sky it also means we have been lied to about everything. Period. End of Story. End of Simulation. If anything splits through this dimension with technology beyond our comprehension I would strongly urge everyone to realize the question isn’t at all about if life exists beyond our galaxy or if Aliens are hidden deep below earths shell. The question is why in the fuck are we slaving away to earn a buck so we can enjoy this prison “they” stuck us in while they just fly around unaffected and most importantly I demand they give us full brain power to help us comprehend the meaning of life. Think about that. You can only use about less than full percentage of your brain and we are born into that fact like a DOC #, google that shit. As an example; If someone sold me a house and told me it’s all mine but there is only one room in this house I can never go into during my ownership. I would think Bad deal right? The truth people keep saying but It’s right fucking there, in plain 3rd dimension sight but we are helpless to fight back until we look into ourselves and our own souls. There are clear signs of restriction on us. What do we do our whole life as humans is we evolve and advance? Sometimes. More than often we are restricted and lied to. They tell us bad dogs need muzzles and fast cars need air bags but why is that money rules them all. Why does our money say in God We Trust proudly across it when God allows us to be lied to our entire life through government spokesman Because that was part of the program terms. We learn and find more efficient ways to complete tasks just like having opposable thumbs because that idea was a hit while other unfortunate animals were not chosen to be fucked with like us. We were chosen to experiment with by mixing DNA and hybridization. That’s it, there is the truth. No weird confetti dropping from the skies or sound effects but just like how there were no banners and streamers when college divers found a shit loud of ammunition aboard the Lusitania that was shot down by German War Tools. I bring that up because the USA used yellow press back then to bolster a perspective towards war based off the Germans shooting down a-so-called “innocent” passenger ship. The people outraged with their pocket books and World War happened. Don’t even get me started with 9/11 and Afganistan because wake the fuck up. Back to those cool animals. Why are those animals even around if they can’t speak to us? Because this laboratory was created to experiment with all the species so you can probably only imagine Animal abduction stories but too bad they can’t talk. These theories are all the same reason sometimes it’s a sunny day and other days it rains shit everywhere depending on where you are and what conditions they want your region to endure or enjoy. Seems like a good way to divide up an ant farm for reasons those stupid little ants don’t know. This is because we are told that our planet has different climate regions but if I tell my Ants in the back yard there is a hose river coming they are just gonna deal with it. This isn’t an accident and if you think the government can’t manipulate weather patterns then you really need to go back to sleep. This entire earth civilization is designed to harvest all our precious souls for energy that we can’t yet comprehend I.e. power. Love, Hate, Neutral, happy, pain, morals, experience it’s all just a harvest. Do you think cows understand they are only kept on the farm for their milk ? Fuck no. Try telling one and they won’t ever understand you and they will show up the next day for milking any time you ask. They will do this until they are dead and gone and since we speculate EVERY human soul is recycled and we aren’t 100% how that hypothesis could even be managed or if we reincarnate into other living creatures or not so we might as well play it safe right. Meaning be nice to everything living and especially this means be kind to animals because they are our equals. All of them are special -especially common animals like Dogs and cats on to even wild animals. You ever think an Ant knows why it has to follow this line of Ants back to the queen while backpacking your bread crumbs like 42 feet uphill in each direction. I’m the Ant who takes a hard left turn towards the edge of that blurry shit you can only see with your 3D eyes. I’m the Ant who has the exact same 3D eyes you have but I have faith in my soul that I can fuckin see something way out there in the distance we can’t see because there is something much more than this. We should pay attention and start asking more questions because closed minds don’t get fed.

Ian Ayers Live @Ohana Seattle 1/12/2022

Ohana is located in the heart of Belltown Seattle, WA right on 1st Ave with semi easy parking depending on when you go there. Weekends can be busy but Ohana brings a Hawaiian vibe throughout it’s venue as it’s a restaurant by day and night. The amazing bartenders always remember what you drink, security keeps things in line and the Hawaiian food is pretty good. I was in there after the new year just casually hangin with some friends and heard some really spot on Sublime covers. I glanced over and saw this artist all setup in the center stage area of Ohana as people danced and enjoyed Ian’s music. I didn’t get a chance to hear all of his music but to nail a Sublime track like he had done it a thousand times before was music to my ears, literally. Check out Ian if you ever see his name pop up because even though I didn’t plan on live music I would venture to one of his next shows for sure.